If your family member has been injured in a motor vehicle crash that wasn’t their fault, you may have rights to compensation. (And they probably do too—send them here.)
Everyone’s rights are different depending on the circumstances of the accident and the injuries sustained. To give you an overview, here’s a summary of some common compensation pathways.
CTP Compensation
If the accident was caused by another vehicle, you may be able to claim compensation by lodging a claim with the at-fault vehicle’s compulsory third-party (CTP) insurer. CTP compensation can help pay for:
- Psychiatric injuries you’ve experienced, such as PTSD, depression or anxiety
- The loss of comfort and services you no longer receive due to your family member’s injuries
Public Liability Compensation
If the accident was caused by a pothole, road defect or similar hazard, you may be able to claim compensation from the responsible party (such as the government, property owner or construction workers). Public liability compensation can help pay for:
- Psychiatric injuries you’ve experienced, such as PTSD, depression or anxiety
- The loss of comfort and services you no longer receive due to your family member’s injuries
Victim Assist Queensland
If the crash involved criminal behaviour—such as reckless or dangerous driving—you may be entitled to financial and other support through Victim Assist Queensland.
Where Should I Start?
We recommend looking into all possible claims, identifying those you’re eligible for, and taking action as soon as possible.
- Some claims work together
- Others may overlap, providing extra benefits
- Certain claims may require you to lodge another claim first
Every type of claim has its own time limits and eligibility criteria, so acting quickly is essential.
If you’re unsure where to begin, our team at Motorcycle Law Queensland offers free consultations where we can explain:
- Your potential entitlements (e.g. the claims you may qualify for)
- Timeframes for taking action to avoid missing out on compensation
- The claims process (e.g. how to lodge a claim and how long it might take)
No cost and no catch. As riders ourselves, we’re committed to helping you get the support you need to move forward.
If you’re unsure where to begin or need guidance, contact our team at Motorcycle Law Queensland at (07) 3231 0632 or email us at motorcyclelawqueensland@mcw.com.au for a free consultation.